
Vision & Missions

Company’s Vision, Missions and Long-Term Strategic Goals
On January 28, 2019, the Company announced the Vision, Missions and Long-Term Strategic Goals as follow.

To be a world class innovative leader in providing fully integrated solutions for global demand which aims to enhance sustainable living.

๏ To be the top - of - mine brand for customers
๏ To be long-term trusted partner
๏ Excellence in design, manufacturing and services by world class quality
๏ Environmental sustainability to enhance green living

Long-Term Strategic Goals
๏ Stable financial statement with constant and sustainable growth.
๏ Efficient management structure.
๏ Qualified persons.
๏ Meeting the expectation of stakeholders.
                Passion                :               Be enthusiastic and motivated
                Collaboration      :               Be open and supportive
                Ownership           :               Be accountable and take initiative
                Integrity               :               Be honest and transparent
                Innovation           :               Be creative and think “ outside of the box”